PM SWITCH - version 1.3 by Jeffrey K. Morris & Sound Ideas Productions ========================================================================== PM Switch is a small utility which displays the current status of the Windows Print Manager and allows you to enable or disable it at a click of a button (actually, a double-click on an icon). It may be used as a stand-alone applet, or you may attach it to applications to insure that the Print Manager is disabled when they are first loaded. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------- PM Switch will work on any system running Windows 3.x or higher. However, in order for PM Switch to load, you must have VBRUN200.DLL located in a directory named in your path statement (it is recommended that you place VBRUN200.DLL in your Windows System directory). If you do not have this file, it is available on most BBS's as VBRUN200.ZIP or VBRUN200.ARJ (make sure you get version 2.00 rather than VBRUN100). INSTALLATION ------------ To install PM Switch, simply copy PMSWITCH.EXE to your Windows directory, or to any other directory named in your Path statement. USING PM SWITCH AS A STAND-ALONE APPLET --------------------------------------- When loaded by itself, PM Switch appears as an icon displaying the current status of the Print Manager. To the Print Manager On or Off, simply double click on the PM Switch icon. It will now display the new status. To close PM Switch, either press F4 while holding the key, or click once on its icon to bring up the System Menu, the click on Close. Click on "About PM Switch..." in the System Menu to open PM Switch's About box. If, in your work, you frequently turn the Print Manager on and off, install PM Switch in the Windows Start-Up Group. You may do this using the New command in Program Manager's File menu, or by dragging PMSWITCH.EXE from File Manager to the Start-Up Group. ATTACHING PM SWITCH TO OTHER APPLICATIONS ----------------------------------------- When attached to another application, PM Switch will automatically turn the Print Manager Off and then load the application. PM Switch will remain as an icon so that you can turn the Print Manager back on when finished in your application, or at any other time. Simply double-click on PM Switch's icon to re-enable Print Manager. To attach PM Switch to an application, follow these steps: 1. Open the Program Group where the application's icon resides 2. Single click on the icon to select it 3. From the File Menu, select Properties 4. In the Command Line box, insert PMSWITCH.EXE before the command to start the application, as follows: PMSWITCH.EXE c:\path\appname 5. To retain the application's icon, select change icon and enter the applications full name and path (otherwise, Program Manager will replace PM Switch's icon in the Program Group). That's it. Each time you launch your application, PM Switch will first disable the Print Manager. Alternatively, you may use the Run command to launch your application with PM Switch. After selecting Run from Program Manager's File menu, simply enter: PMSWITCH.EXE appname UNINSTALLING ------------ Simply delete PMSWITCH.EXE and PMSWITCH.TXT from whatever directory you placed them, and remove its icon from the Program Manager. Other than its routine enabling and disabling the Print Manager in the [Windows] section of Win.Ini, PMSwitch makes no other changes to your System files. COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS -------------------- If you have any comments or suggestions regarding PM Switch, you may contact me via any MIDILink BBS or CompuServe E-Mail (address to Jeffrey Morris at 70751,1565). VERSION HISTORY --------------- version 1.3 - eliminated some unecessary code to increase performance - added About Box via the System Menu version 1.2 - corrected bug which caused a General Protection Fault if exiting Windows with PM Switch running. - recompiled under Visual Basic 2.0 version 1.1 - first version released